
a subject i liked this semester

hi everyone! Today post is about the subject i really enjoyed this semester. honestly i've never been enjoyed any subject as much as tipography. Tipography is a really good subject and our teacher is fantastic! I love his teaching way and the works we make in class. Everything he said in class is with so much passion and he transmite to the class beauty and important things about tipography. Also the teacher gave us a lot of material, like some fonts that we could use at any moment in our lifes and in every design work. Tipography was the only subject i enjoyed this semester and all the others subject  was a dissapointment for me and i feel it was a semester with almost any new knowledge! a really sad situation but characteristic from FAU. I would liked to take a sport subject like a choice to feel free and relax, and to continue doing sports like at school, because when i was child i use to play volley, rithmic gymnastic, basketball and many sports thanks to physical education

Travels i would like to make

I love travel arround the world, and every years i travel to some place with my family and with my friends! i think the world have so many differents and interesting places that it makes me so difficult to choice only one, but the next travel i would like to make is to Guatemala! because there are so much culture and antopologic things to study, that makes me feel ansious to meet it. Some of the places i would like to visit of Guatemala are; Guatemala's city because there we can find one of the best museum about Archaeology, Maya town because is a village full of history and culture, and finally Guatemala's sierra because it show us a very different reality and a beautiful scene between mountains. Guatemala's city (capital)                                           Maya town                                  Guatemala's sierra                                        I would like to do this trip with one of my biggest friend, a huge person for me because i think

My favorite career-related website

Hi everyone! today i will write about my favorite career-related website, and that one is https://www.crehana.com/cl/ . I love this website because bring me a lot of courses about the programs i often use for my career like "adobe illustrator", "adobe photoshop", "adobe indesign", and also brings me courses about hobbies like "how to be a professional tattooist". On this page you can select yours favorites items and then buy the better for you and yours pleasures! "crehana" every day post a new sale until 75% sale, and it's very favorable for my and for all the studients! you only have to be careful and check out the page all weeks, and get a creditcard to buy the course. Another website i usually use is https://www.pinterest.cl/ which i got the app on my phone too. This website/app help me to get more creative ideas and is totally free! As same as "crehana", you must to create an account to access and to enjoy all the pi

A picture you like and its story

Well, all my Friends know how much i love to take pictures and walk for the Street with my camera (or my phone camera) so it’s difficult to me choose only one picture, but i choose this one because show two of my biggest loves; nature and my dog Saki. I took this picture in “velo de la novia” at 2017, when my family and me travel arround “carretera austral” (or Southern Highway). I remember that moment when i was taking photos to my family when suddenly my dog started to bark…it was asking my attention! So i took the photo and that was the result, so funny haha that summer was one of the best summer i had, and i met and learned a lot about Chile and his beautiful landscapes. I really hope to came back to that place and i suggest you to visit it too

Favorite movie or serie

Something i love about studying design is that i can watch tv while im doing my works. I always watch Netflix series with my family, but also i watch a serie in paralale alone.  Now with my family we are watching “Gray’s anathomy” and it’s so long that i think we never ended! An on my own im watching “Vis a Vis”, it’a about drama on a jail, with friendships, enemies and love, all kind of love. When i was at school i love a serie called   “Skins” and with my friends we talked about that every day. “skins” is about teenagers who live a lot   of adventures and drama like love, death, sex, drugs, and mental illness, and in to the characters they make a lot of thoughts, on a good sense. Well i dont like watch tv if is not a movie or a serie, so i have been saw a lot! But one that is always in my life is “Friends” and i use to watch it when im working because i dont need full concentation for that, and it never lose his humor.

My favorite piece of technology

Hi everyone!  I have two favorite device; my computer (which i use to work at university and  to  create things  i  want) and my cellphone. Between those devices i choose my cellphone as my favorite because i take it with me everywhere and keep me at contact with my friends and my family and also i can listen to music! that's very important haha. Before my actuall cellphone i had an iphone and with that i took photos and  it  was so much better than the one i have now, but someone stole my iphone, so my sister give me yours and she bought an other. Anyway i  didn't  care so much because i don't like to depend on technology, just to comunicate with people i love, and my cellphone is enough for me even if it's lower than the iphone. I use my phone every day, since i wake up in the morning to i go to sleep at night, and battery hold out all day! that is the most i like about my cellphone.                                                                     I

Me and my career

When i finished school i had to continue my studies, or that supposed i had to, so when the times comes i just put design in my first option because i always had liked doing things with my hands, create things, draw etc. and in that moment i thought it was a good idea mix my habilities with design. I'm not sure if university was my best option because every day i want to get out of here and take a year out to get a lot of intensive courses about especific things and growing up with that. I hope design career give me all the knowledge to some day supply my creative attacks. If i put my mind in the kind of job i would like to have, i dont really know but working like deigner is not my passion.  Finally a like the career even if i dont wanted like a life objetive.