a subject i liked this semester

hi everyone!

Today post is about the subject i really enjoyed this semester. honestly i've never been enjoyed any subject as much as tipography. Tipography is a really good subject and our teacher is fantastic! I love his teaching way and the works we make in class. Everything he said in class is with so much passion and he transmite to the class beauty and important things about tipography. Also the teacher gave us a lot of material, like some fonts that we could use at any moment in our lifes and in every design work.
Tipography was the only subject i enjoyed this semester and all the others subject  was a dissapointment for me and i feel it was a semester with almost any new knowledge! a really sad situation but characteristic from FAU.
I would liked to take a sport subject like a choice to feel free and relax, and to continue doing sports like at school, because when i was child i use to play volley, rithmic gymnastic, basketball and many sports thanks to physical education. Well, finally i hated this semester


  1. Ohhhh.... i feel the same way as you do :( this semester was a dissapointment, specially animation :'(


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