Favorite movie or serie

Something i love about studying design is that i can watch tv while im doing my works. I always watch Netflix series with my family, but also i watch a serie in paralale alone. 
Now with my family we are watching “Gray’s anathomy” and it’s so long that i think we never ended! An on my own im watching “Vis a Vis”, it’a about drama on a jail, with friendships, enemies and love, all kind of love.

When i was at school i love a serie called  “Skins” and with my friends we talked about that every day. “skins” is about teenagers who live a lot  of adventures and drama like love, death, sex, drugs, and mental illness, and in to the characters they make a lot of thoughts, on a good sense.

Well i dont like watch tv if is not a movie or a serie, so i have been saw a lot! But one that is always in my life is “Friends” and i use to watch it when im working because i dont need full concentation for that, and it never lose his humor.


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